Look here folks. You had better take precautions. Not even money market funds are safe according to today's WSJ. You see these slick wall street types on TV talking about the risk being spread out all over so no one is going to blow-up. Right. It just means this toxic waste is everywhere. It's in Germany where they are already bailing out a small bank and Paris where BNP Paribas dropped the bomb this morning that got us off on the wrong foot. I woke-up at 8ish and the futures were down more than I could ever remember seeing in a decade. Apparently the ECB had stepped in an attempt to stop the bleeding. According to the Financial Times:
"The European Central Bank might have called it “fine-tuning” but its decision to inject nearly €95bn into the eurozone banking system, the largest such intervention since the September 11 2001 attacks, is anything but. Does the ECB know something the rest of the world does not? After all, the Federal Reserve on Tuesday gave no inkling that a systemic threat might arise from the stream of banks and funds confessing to subprime-related problems."
So that toxic waste is in Europe and around the world. There's just so much of it. But don't forget here at home it's held by hedge funds, banks, insurance companies, builders, money market funds, pension funds and endowments. We are at the edge of the cliff. We are staring at the oncoming headlights. If we go over or stand flat-footed every single American will be affected. Period.
So you had better brace yourself as every asset class is being liquidated. We are still very close to the top and the hedgies are already blowing themselves up left and right. It's indicative of how much leverage has been employed.
Won't be long before cash (the dollar) isn't safe either despite the bounce today. If "The Skeptic" were to sell anything in the long-term account the proceeds would go into the GLD. Everything was sold today but gold has the best chance to protect you (after the ongoing liquidation). If you were smart you'd buy some farmland with water rights, bury some oil drums in the front yard and put some gold in a safe which you protect with a firearm. Good luck.
Disclosure: Long GLD
UPDATE: Countrywide just dropped the bomb. Look out.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
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