Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Back From The Dead

To be totally honest, I felt like quitting on Friday. I have been a disaster, for the most part, since the end of July. Friday I came in midday selling the rally which worked for about two hours, then into the close I got ran over. I didn't cover as nothing I saw was unexpected.

Nonetheless, I've had a long losing streak in which, at times, I've been completely without direction. It's not so much about the money lost. That happens. It's the fact that I have invested myself completely into this over a number of years, both financially and emotionally. Trading is it for me. Then to feel like you're failing. Well let's just say it's sobering.

So I felt sorry for myself all night Friday and all day Saturday. Didn't look at a chart until Sunday afternoon. By Sunday night I realized that I have a long track record to look back at for some perspective. I've been trading again for 63 months. I've had months much worse than this one and I have always bounced back. This time will be no different.

So what happened today? I was proven dead right. The selling I did Friday rewarded me today. It was truly a monster day. Not only that, but it appears increasingly likely that I am well positioned for the upcoming move.

So after all my mistakes and self-flagellation here I sit. Still at the table.