Monday, August 6, 2007

Jim Rogers on CNBC

Here is the link to Jim Rogers' appearance on CNBC this morning.

Later in the day CNBC's Joe Kernen went on a rant about his theory that Jim hasn't made any money since his days with Soros and that he is a joke. Kernen speculated that Jim probably has had all his money in T-bills since the 1980s and that he has been a global bull but probably only buys one share of stock in each country just to say he owns it. He then added that Rogers has always been negative on US stocks. Kernen generally doesn't irritate me too much but this was over the top. For one thing Rogers called the secular bull market in commodities, before anyone else, when it was still in it's infancy. He also told you to get long China. Sure he has been negative on US stocks but it seems he'll be proven right eventually. You have to understand, Rogers is not a market timer or trader but a big picture thinker. Has Kernen even read Jimmy's books? I bet not.

Seriously, Kernen you just need to pipe down. You are a TV host! Not an investor, not a money manager, not a trader....and apparently not even a very bright light. Stick to the teleprompter Kernen, you dumb shit.

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