Jim Cramer- you never cease to amaze. We are not even in recession yet (according to the faulty numbers we all follow) and he is saying on CNBS to buy "early cycle stocks" like banks, homebuilders and retailers. You gotta be fucking kidding me. Much like early 2000 when he told his sheep to buy high tech he's guiding you to the worst place to buy. Banks? Homebuilders? That's where the problem began (and still remains). Retail? That is the first place our problems are going to spread. This guy just pulls out his dusty playbook and reads it verbatim. "Let's see here....nuclear holocost...buy the banks!"
He is also calling for another inter-meeting Fed cut! Come on. How can anyone take this guy seriously? He is a fucking joke. Right here, right now I would take the other side of his trade. The worst part is that his lunacy is going to hurt many of the people that listen to him. He's made so many obviously bad calls that it's mind-numbing.
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