Monday, February 25, 2008

Monday Monday

Perhaps I was too hasty in calling out Gasparino on Friday. He's generally likable and (relative to the shallow talent pool on CNBS) competent enough. I just don't much appreciate getting knee-capped on a Friday afternoon. Fact is, some men feel the need to play the game and get in line. To do what they are told. Just so happens I'm not one of them. Been there, done that and it didn't take me long to figure out it wasn't for me.

Anyway, the market rallied because it was due to rally when it did. I should have taken profits. I knew that and failed to act. If anyone, I should be frustrated with myself. In totality, last week was profitable and this morning is so far so good. It's been a good month and I will react quickly to protect profits.

Today represents an epic struggle between bulls and bears. From a technical perspective, whoever takes control this week should be able to dominate the action for awhile. This is the bulls' big chance.

Should the bulls gain the upper hand my plan is to avoid getting pummelled. Preserve my hard earned profits and live to fight another day. Better entry points will await.

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