To reflect the considerable opportunity that I believe awaits us directly ahead I have even broken my own rule. I religiously remove substantial profits from my trading account in order to keep from getting too aggressive or unbalanced. Recently I did just that, removing a fat wad of cash. Well, it just went back in. Every penny.
If the opportunity to aggressively attack this market from the short side does in fact present itself I will be ready. Bulls you have been warned. I will burn your huts to the ground. I will rape and pillage. I will slaughter all your livestock and pollute your well.
OK. Maybe I'm premature. We'll soon find out.
I leave you with my best trade of the day: came into today short 200 RCI. Doubled my position after it tasted resistance @ $40.50. Got it @ $40.25, covered 100 @ $38.40 and it trades now @ $38.60.

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