Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Prepared to Pillage

There will be no more rooting for a bounce around here. I am now officially up to my eyeballs in short sales. Still have some longs on my books so I'm not entirely lopsided but I'm solidly net short.
To reflect the considerable opportunity that I believe awaits us directly ahead I have even broken my own rule. I religiously remove substantial profits from my trading account in order to keep from getting too aggressive or unbalanced. Recently I did just that, removing a fat wad of cash. Well, it just went back in. Every penny.

If the opportunity to aggressively attack this market from the short side does in fact present itself I will be ready. Bulls you have been warned. I will burn your huts to the ground. I will rape and pillage. I will slaughter all your livestock and pollute your well.

OK. Maybe I'm premature. We'll soon find out.

I leave you with my best trade of the day: came into today short 200 RCI. Doubled my position after it tasted resistance @ $40.50. Got it @ $40.25, covered 100 @ $38.40 and it trades now @ $38.60.

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