Tuesday, January 29, 2008


It's been great while it lasted but my hot streak has come to an end in spectacular fashion. Yes, I blew myself yesterday- losing a mind-numbing amount of money. It always hurts no matter how great the hot streak that proceeds it.

Now it's time to pick up the pieces. I still have a substantial profit for the month and a handful of positions. I'm wrong, I'm gone. It hurts to be wrong (even in the short term) but I'd rather admit it and get out of the way of the Fed than sacrifice more gains at the alter of my own arrogance.

Nothing more dangerous than a wounded bull. Make no mistake, she is wounded and eventually going down for the count...but that's not the business of the day. We're still in rally mode and I'm still not buying it but am forced to respect it. My intention is to protect my remaining equity and live to fight another day.

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