Wednesday, November 7, 2007


When trading, have a plan. Trade that plan. Don't trade outside of that plan.

In my case, my plan is not to daytrade. Period.

But...when my plan is making me lots of money, over an extended period of time, I think to myself, "Jeez I must be a frickin' genius..."

That's when the trouble starts. Daytrading equals trouble (in my case). Then... to amplify my mistake I'll trade a position that's way, way too big. Just broke another rule.

So when the trade goes against me a touch...I'm gone for an unnecessary loss.

Ofcourse had I held a bit longer the trade would have been wildly profitable. But that's beside the point.

Now written in black pen at the top of my trading notebook page: YOU ARE NOT A DAYTRADER!

1 comment:

Amrutha said...

Funny.But watch the spellings and the grammar :P