Monday, September 17, 2007

Wake Up!

So, my friend sent me an e-mail this morning. One of those keep-out-the-immigrants-pass-it-along type e-mails. I couldn't contain myself. Instead of just ignoring it I blasted back that illegal immigration is almost entirely inconsequential in light of the larger issues we face. Seriously, watching the news, reading the papers and listening to the conversation of others it seems as if I might as well be living on another planet. In this country we have our collective head up our collective ass.

Britney Spears' lack of undergarments gets more airtime then the legitimate threats we face. For one, the global peak in oil production. Or the fact that our Federal Reserve is in the process of debasing our currency. Really hate to say it but we deserve what we are going to get. What are we going to get? Eventually, a wake-up call to the new reality. Just because we are collectively ignoring it doesn't mean everything is going to turn out just peachy.

Global terrorism? Who the hell cares. We lost 2,000 fellow Americans on 9/11. A tragic loss indeed but an American would have a better chance of winning the lottery then getting blown up by a terrorist in this country. Meanwhile, every single one of us is going to be affected when our dollar is virtually worthless.

Here is what to expect. Incredible price increases (measured in years not months) for all the things we need to sustain our current lifestyle. Oil, water, electricity, agricultural commodities just to name a few. Now is the time for us to wake up in order to have any chance of controlling our fate. I'm losing hope.

We'll eventually be confronted by this new reality. By then it will be too late. Future generations will wonder why it is that their parents and grandparents ignored these problems. They'll wonder how it is that we could have been so irresponsible and distracted by nonsense. We are going to hand down to our children a nation in shambles. As a new father, it all makes me so angry, that I just want to reach out and shake those around me. Wake Up! Before it's too late! I want to drive to Washington and burn down Bernanke's house for what I think he is about to do. I want to see Greenspan strung up in the town square.

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