Saturday, May 5, 2007

Republican Presidential Debate

"The Skeptic" had to root for Ron Paul. That being said, Mitt Romney had the strongest showing. He's polished and articulate. He wants to eliminate capital gains and dividend taxes and that's a beautiful thing.
Other frontrunners for the nomination...Rudy Giuliani fumbled. He finally said he supports a women's right to choose but Chris Matthews had to beat it out of him. Apparently he was the only one on stage to support that right. Sad. Speaking of, John McCain came off as too rehearsed. He's also too wrong on Iraq. Don't see how gravitating to Bush's positions is going to help McCain. "Stay the course in Iraq or they'll follow us home." That's garbage and people don't want to hear that anymore.
Tommy Thompson thinks a business should be able to hire/fire based on sexual orientation. He's back-tracking on that one today. Otherwise he has a commonsense approach on Iraq and little charisma.
Kansas senator Sam Brownback was by far the scariest of the bunch. He sees no separation of church and state.
Ten white white white guys. Three of which don't believe in evolution. Jackasses. Sigh. Nine of which firmly oppose a women's right to choose.

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